Php and MySql

Fast, flexible and pragmatic.

PHP is well known open source general purpose scripting language used for developing various web applications from simple form to complex e-commerce websites. There are number of libraries and extension available for PHP development. PHP also offers connectivity with almost all databases like MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL etc. It is fuelling more than 20 million websites sitting on 1 million web servers. More than half of total Web 2.0 sites are built in PHP.

PHP is a server-side cross-platform, HTML-embedded scripting language used to create dynamic web pages from the data provided. PHP is the UNIX counterpart of Active Server Pages that is more robust and far faster than ".asp". Pages are generated quicker because scripts are processed on the server before they are sent out to your browser. If your goal is to develop high quality PHP MySQL based web applications in an expedient manner and save money doing it - your search could be over.

Our PHP & MySQL development services and skill sets include:

   Custom PHP development services
   Joomla customization services
   Drupal customization services
   Wordpress customization services
   osCommerce customization services
   Magento customization services
   E-commerce development services
   Zend Framework development services
   Portal development services
   Social networking portal development services